Category Archives: Children

New York Mayor Fails Accounting 101

The Mayor’s crude attempt to change generally accepted accounting rules is an insult to the citizens of New York.

Even worse, is the lack of attention to the roll back of the additional student’s instructional time.  Mayor Bloomberg negotiated and paid the union for this additional time.   This now becomes teachers training time?  Please…we all know it will be teacher’s time off and the once again the children lose.

There are one million children who should have been represented at the union negotiations.  They weren’t and they lose!  It is a sad time for public education.

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Filed under Children, Education, New York City

Statehouse Trumps City Hall

Governor Cuomo came out yesterday with a strong endorsement of New York City charter schools. He was responding to a 10,000 plus demonstration of charter school parents and students and against the much smaller union organized rally.

Perhaps fairness will reign in this ongoing battle that appears to be union organizers and supporters vs. concerned parents and corporate funding for better education.

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Filed under Children, Education, Governance of the Government, New York City

Musings of a Politically Independent Healthcare Consultant

Welcome to my Blog.

I created this blog to offer my opinion on a variety of subjects.  My areas of interest include politics, healthcare, New York City, fairness, diversity and a desire to help the needy and protect our children.  I do have opinions. I will express them, some will agree and others will not.  My purpose is two-fold:  express myself and instigate a dialogue.  I hope you enjoy my comments even though you may not agree.

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Filed under Children, Diversity, General, Healthcare, New York City, Politics